Mary was chosen by God to be the mother of Jesus. When she was a teenager, just about old enough to be married, she had a visit from an angel. This was God’s messenger, telling her that she was going to have a baby boy – and he would be God’s son! Mary was shocked and surprised, but wanted to please God so she agreed to this wonderful plan. In Luke 1:38 we can read what Mary said, "Mary responded 'I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true'. And then the angel left her." (New Living Translation)
She even managed to convince her husband-to-be (well, actually, an angel helped!) that this was a good idea. So she and Joseph stayed together and travelled down to Bethlehem to have the baby.
Sadly, all the hotels were full when they got there, but a kind man lent them his stable for the night. Jesus was born, and everyone was excited. Shepherds came in from the fields to say hello, the angels formed a choir to sing a welcome to Jesus, and later some rich men came from miles away to see the young boy! Mary was thrilled that the angel’s promise had come true. Jesus, God's son, had arrived.
But not everyone was excited. King Herod was scared that baby Jesus would grow up and be an even more powerful king than he was – so he tried to find him and kill him! Mary and Joseph ran away to safety before the king could take his life.
Mary and Joseph did their best to raise Jesus in a good home, where he would learn all about the faith of his people, the Jews. Mary did not understand everything her son said and did during his life but she always loved him. She was present at his death, as she had been at his birth. Always a faithful mother.
Mary’s love and obedience to God have been an inspiration to millions of people all over the world.