Creative Ministry recommends Friends and Heroes!

Creative Ministries recently gave Friends and Heroes a glowing review. Here's an excerpt of what they had to say:
"In my house one of the first opinions I count on when it involves products designed for children is my eight year old daughter, Christy. I asked her to watch the video and share with me what she thought. One of the tests I use for videos is does she want to watch it again? Does she want the story to continue? Can she relate to the characters in the stories? Well, I can say that each of these questions was answered with a resounding YES!
"As for me I look a things like the quality of the animation. Does it compare with what we see on Cartoon Network? Is the music right for this age group? Is the writing well done? Do the stories align with scripture? Again, I would respond with a YES on all counts."
Click here to read the review in its entirety.