Right on! Holiday Bible Club

A Holiday Bible Club Pack based on the award-winning Friends and Heroes animated adventures with Bible stories. Covering themes such as standing up for what is right, doing the right thing, being a true friend; Right on! builds into a superb week of exploring Bible stories with Friends and Heroes characters such as Macky and Portia.
Right on! features a five-day programme for children aged 6-11, with an optional sixth day which can be used as a wider family fun-day, plus a seventh day designed as an opportunity to share the experience of your Holiday Bible Club with your church or organisation.
The Right on! programme includes:
• Showing part of a Friends and Heroes DVD
• Craft activities
• Games and snack time
• Bible games and Reflections
• Song Time
• Sticker Time
To run a Right on! Holiday Bible Club you will need:
• Two Friends and Heroes DVDs featuring the four episodes required to run the programme:
Episode 6 – Sweet Freedom:
Moses and the Egyptian Slavemaster (Exodus 2:1-15);
Saul on the Road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-18)
Episode 7 – Lost in Alexandria:
Ruth and Naomi (Ruth 1:1-22; 2:1-16);
The parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37)
Episode 8 – The One that Got Away:
Peter and John heal a lame man
(Acts 3:1-16, 4:1-22, 5:17-42); Shadrach and the Furnace (Daniel 3:1-27)
Episode 9 - Doing Our Part:
Esther the Queen (Esther chapters 2-7);
Joseph of Cyprus (Barnabas) (Acts 4:32-37)
• The Right on! CD-ROM with a General Introduction and a Leader's Guide for each day, six music files, printable resources, activity sheets, clip-art, and publicity material - all provided as PDFs ready for printing. Click the red words to see sample files from the Right on! material - please note: these large PDFs may take a considerable time to download.